ASTM D6576 Decoder
Choose the callout in the boxes below (hover over the box to see the options) and click the "Process" button next to below it to process it.

Please check the output status after processing the callout line to make sure no errors were caught. You can download the resulting table in pdf format by clicking on the "Download" button above.The resulting table is available for download in pdf format if you visit the desktop website.
The output provided is to serve as a summary of the requirements for a given ASTM call-out, for specification purposes and further details the ASTM document should be referenced. Users of this web site are advised to seek advice by contacting GCP technical team members (or their own material suppliers) regarding any particular material, specification or application issues or questions. GCP does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information on this web site. The specifications published on this web site are current as of their original date of publication, but should not be relied upon as accurate, timely or fit for any particular purpose.